Sunday, August 19

founding a new religion

  i have a sexual vision for understanding how the earth goes on and religions shape our lifes. first, they are all good stories to read in your leisure time. pointing something, at which people are sensitive about it, can cause harmful results. there are many hateful and spiteful religious dicks. second, it is hard to touch people's heart unless they do not break their emotional walls of their mind. anyway no one reads my articles, i am talking to myself. let's begin. i think the best religion in the world is sex. all of the religions i know are based on sex. their punishments and prizes are based on sex. sex is a tool for ruling people. sex is a rug that you can sweep up all the dusty things under it. it is easy to blame, shame someone with sex. interestingly everybody has such genital things as cock and pussy. here is a common point.  actually, there must be a person to manage all and it is called the prophet. he says he could fix this chaos and there 'was' a god, he was chosen by him. how amazing this is .he is not chosen by himself someone else has chosen him. he believed in himself. .this is the first step of being a übermensch. we should believe in ourselves too. dear prophet you have read too many nietzsche's books. you're ahead of your time, thank you. my life without your light would be a mistake. people raised you as prophets, crucifixed, burried, threw into wells. "ECCE HOMO". they have created wars, death and any other good or bad things. and they have taken their powers by the sex. they have banned sexual things.they have killed we need to kill to develop our civilization? are there others ways ? are we all vampires? i have cruel answers but it's better not to answer to make you comfortable among your walls.

  i have decided to found a organisation. it is not a religion or a state. i am here to put some thoughts in your brains. have fun do not push the knowledge, please relive yourself. we are here because we came here by having our parents sex. our ancestors did it, interestingly every breathing creature did it. .no one tests us in this world and there is no other worlds.we wanted to be special. because our brains have perfect  imagination and they do not like this world.they want to enter the world they create.they want us to believe we are at the center of the universe.i still wonder what is the pluton's responsibilities about religious things.that anthropocentrism. truly we are not special. i do not force you to join my religion! and i will not kill you, will not crusade into your country, will not start a jihad if you prefer not to join. just shape your ideas.

religion : sex
holy books : tantric books, sex magasins
prophets : all pornstars
temples : public, sex shops, home, car
motto : do not fight, make love
rule one :  hurt nobody, willingness is very important.
rule two : use condoms and reproduce consciously.
rule three : do not be too religious

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